In this episode of As In Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Skyler Flowers welcome Cameron Cole to discuss the importance of ministering to upcoming generations, primarily middle and high school students. They discuss the idea of "missed generational handoff," where the value of being churched experiences a dramatic decline in teens (ages 13-17) and young adults (ages 18-25.) Cole shares practical steps parents and church leaders can take toward disciplining and instilling a love of the local church and an affection for the gospel among this crucial age range.
Episode time stamps:
- Episode and topic introduction (0:00)
- Preparing kids for the real world (6:44)
- The importance of asking questions (18:48)
- Rooted Ministry and gospel-centered discipleship (21:23)
- The generational handoff (26:16)
- The gospel catechism and theology. (29:12)
- Practical ways to make a difference (32:28)
- How can parents prepare their kids for a culture they don’t know? (39:27)
- Resources for parents and youth. (46:50)
Recommended resource:
This episode is part of As In Heaven’s third season, devoted to The Great Dechurching—the largest and fastest religious shift in U.S. history. To learn more about this phenomenon on which the episodes of this season are based, preorder The Great Dechurching by Michael Graham and Jim Davis.