Andreas Clenow needs no introduction and has a lengthy history in the algorithmic trading industry. A Swed who has lived in Switzerland for quite some time he has recently published a fiction novel set in the underworld of the secretive Swiss banking industry. He says you can learn more about finance from that than his textbooks! His contribution to the field of systematic trading has been enormous, with his three absolutely invaluable books: Following the Trend; Stocks on the Move; and Trading Evolved. The books cover everything from futures trading to stocks and then to programming it all in Python yourself. Clenow’s books go into great detail and give you all the strategy detail needed to get you moving.
We had an insightful discussion with him about the strategies in his books and then about his latest venture: a new mobile app called Hush. It’s essentially a fund for the broader audience so we were particularly keen to uncover the strategies he is deploying in there.
Trade well & prosper!