This episode is the first time I really sit down and dig into skin on the podcast. I sit down with Jennifer Fugo, who is a clinical nutrition that empowers women who were failed by the conventional medicine system to beat chronic skin challenges. Listen as we dive into these topics and more: skin shame, labs to ask for, if healthy skin "is “perfect”, the skin microbiome, rosacea, the psoriasis-gut connection, and food sensitivities and eczema.
In this episode:
-Skin shame
-Is healthy skin “perfect” skin?
-Labs to ask for
-Thyroid-Skin Connection
-Do you “detox” through your skin?
-Why your skin goes crazy on candida cleanses
-Skin microbiome
-Seborrheic dermatitis
-Dandruff & yeast
-Why you should NOT use coconut oil on your skin
-Leaky gut + leaky skin
-Psoriasis - Gut Connection
-Food sensitivities & eczema
-Nutrient Deficiencies in skin disorders
“The gut - and what’s going on in the gut - is telling the skin how to show up.”
“Your skin is built from the inside-out, not the outside-in.”
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Low Stomach Acid At-Home Test:
Healthy Skin Show Podcast:
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