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back to our third and final section of the waveform podcast, which is just me saying that we've got a bunch of EV stuff to talk about and we've put it all in the same section because it just makes sense that way. It feels good to put them all in one big EV section. I wanted to just start off with, what do you think about this jumper cable that Lucid announced? I think it's dope. I think it's sick. I'm shocked that nobody's done it yet. Others have supported reverse charging. What Lucid did is they announced a cable that plugs directly into the Lucid and into any other EV that can charge them at a rate of up to 9.6 kilowatts. So you can go, oh, you have a dead battery in your Tesla Model 3, whatever. I'll pull up in my Lucid, plug one end into my car, plug the other end into the Tesla, and give you 40 miles an hour of charge. That's pretty dope. That's sick. That's usually an awesome feature. Usually when your car dies of battery, you're only a couple of miles from a charger anyway. That's how fast my fast charging and my garage charges. Wow. I think 10 kilowatts or 9 or 11, something like that, kilowatts. So that's right up there with 30 to 40 miles an hour of charge. My question is how quickly does it drain the Lucid? Because you're going to lose a lot to heat. You're going to lose a lot to heat. You'll probably lose 50, 60 miles an hour of battery. But if you're pulling up and helping someone charge, you probably got a bunch of battery ready to go. I'm sure there's probably also some limits to how low of a battery it'll work with and some other stuff like that. But you're right. Most people, when they are that desperate for charge, they need two miles. Yeah, totally. So I love that. My sister has a Model 3 and her battery died a mile from her house and she had to call a tow truck to tow her to her house on my own house down the block. Yeah. And it cost her $500. Yeah. And it was at
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the morning. Did they dump it in the garage or the driveway or whatever? Yeah, into the driveway. We had to push it up to charge her. Yeah.
Speaker 1
Yep. If she only had a friend with a Lucid and a jumper kit, it's probably less likely. But two in the morning. I mean, my question is, can you use, you probably can't use this on any other car, right? Because I think they will. I think that they said that the Lucids have to like be able to push the power out. Yeah. And so they're issuing a software update that allows it to do that. Right. As far as my understanding of this, the Lucids have the ability to send power out. And this this OTA update will enable the bidirectional charging feature. And it'll probably have a handshake with this cable. Yeah. This jumper cable thing. Yeah. It would be nice if it just worked on every car, every EV. That'd be wild. Yeah. Well, that would be crazy because you could just start siphoning battery from people's cars and parking lots. That's true. So maybe that's a good point. Maybe that needs to be a software handshake. But yeah, F-150 Lightning has a giant battery and bidirectional. It's bidirectional, but you need a special box in your garage. Right. For your house to accept that charge. So it's like doing a handshake with the truck and then your house and then your battery to your truck is not the battery to your house. Another great feature. But I think the car to car thing is just like super convenient. Yeah, definitely. Super into that. But speaking of cars, okay, EV,
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has announced that they're making a car. Well, they didn't announce it actually. They applied for the right to sell it, which in China basically reveals your entire product. So now we see the entire product. And it is the Xiaomi Su7. It's an electric sedan and not going to lie. It kind of looks good. I think it looks really good. Kind of looks good. I was not. I wasn't sure what to expect. I feel like with Xiaomi, they kind of just make everything so it could look like anything. But when you look at these articles and these pictures, it kind of has vibes of like seven different OEMs in a good way. Yeah. I feel like it has sort of McLaren headlights, a little bit of like Genesis to the front and the face. I see some Porsche in the front hood. There's a little model three, a little model three, a little bit of type can. Yeah. Kind of like the wheels with the spokes actually reminds me of the Rivian wheels. Believe it or not. Wow. You get to the back, it's got more type can, it's got a light bar across the back. Cool. It's a solid looking machine. There's a founder's edition badge on the side. There's got a there's an active rear wing. That's awesome.
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good looking little car they've made here. I think it's they said it there's a real-world drive or a dual motor version. There's three specs, three trims. Yeah. Yeah. That's the best part about this car.
Speaker 1
Yes. I guess it's right in line with Xiaomi. There will be an SU seven and SU seven pro and SU seven max. Are they all the same size? I think it's just power trim. What does it mean to be a professional driver
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if you're not actually professionally driving?
Speaker 1
I guess that's just up to a max driver. What happens? What does it mean to be a max driver? Has there never been a car named pro or max before? I guess not doubt it. I don't want to say there hasn't been. Why is there no pro max? Great
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don't know. I think it's just literally like one of them is a rear wheel drive. Yeah. One is all wheel drive and then you know top track top spec trim. My question is how expensive this is going to be because it looks really nice and generally Xiaomi stuff is like very very affordable. Yeah. So we don't know the price but it is going to start mass manufacturing in December in a month. I kind of want to do like a an educated guess based on what we know. So we'll probably never see this on this side of the Atlantic. Like it's just it's a Xiaomi car. Yeah. So I'm just going to have to like translate to what I think the US dollar's equivalent would be but like a car like this which is a full size electric sedan. I assume with moderately decent performance I'm trying to come up with a comp somewhere in the like Ionic 5 range maybe a little higher end with that active spoiler a little sportier maybe Ionic what was the Ionic 6 is the one with the 6. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of feels like a $40,000 Ionic 6 type thing. That would be amazing. Wouldn't that be cool for 40 grand? That'd be amazing. It looks really good. Total guess. Yeah. It also runs an OS that can also be run on smartphones. So that's hilarious. This is similar to the Polestar phone that they're going to make that is made like specifically to go with wait wait wait wait there's a what were you were you did you miss that week? Yeah the Polestar phone. Polestar phone? Yeah. No way. I'm
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looking this up
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right now. Yeah it was it was they're going to be making a phone that is with God what is the what is the brand? It's a Chinese OEM that's basically making it for them but it's made to go with their car. Wow. And the OS is like worked directly together. I mean that makes perfect sense like in the same way that if Apple made a car it would probably work best with an iPhone right there's probably tons of integration stuff you can do from maps to like yeah yeah everything would work best. So yeah I'm guessing this is like an Android base and then they're going to have their phones also run the same Android base. And then when you hook your Xiaomi phone up to the Xiaomi car it probably has like special integrations and just works really seamlessly with it which makes a lot of sense. It's exactly how Apple would do it. Yes that is really funny. Yeah Mezu my yeah yeah
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Polestar. And Mezu is owned by Geeley. Geeley. Yeah. Which is a huge Chinese auto. Which also owns Polestar. I thought so they all so Geeley owns Volvo too. Yeah. Polestars are Volvo. Yeah. Isn't it crazy that one company makes Volvo Eggo Waffles and these hands. They own Eggo. No I just made that up. That was not that was a joke.
Speaker 1
Okay. That one was made up but it sounds a lot like the one that wasn't made up. It sounds like I could have been real. You never know. Yeah. That is really funny. Okay. What company does own Minecraft and Skype though?
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Microsoft Microsoft.
Speaker 1
Yeah Minecraft and Skype. Also rolled a Warcraft and LinkedIn. LinkedIn World of Warcraft and GitHub and Chad GPT and GitHub. But not Chad GPT but sort of. Sorry. Sorry. Get back to the more or less. Yeah so much for that Sony car. I don't think that was ever going to come out. I mean we did see a physical representation of it at CES. Is that two CESs ago? I think it might have been last year. I think it might have been both of the last two years. Yeah they make a lot of concept cars. Yeah. The Afilah or whatever it was called. Yeah they Afilah. And then everyone went nah we don't really want this. But you know it looked kind of decent. This one looks better. Good for Xiaomi. Yeah cool design. Seems like it's actually going to ship soon so we'll keep an eye on that. Crazy that a company that started as an
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became this. It makes everything and cars. They're versatile. Yeah. And say I guess I mean with a car there's like so many parts that you inevitably need to be made and sourced from other suppliers. Like I'm sure I say I'm sure but I don't know. I'm pretty sure Xiaomi's not making the windshield wiper actuators and like every single little piece of the car. The tires will come from someone else. Whatever. But you never know. You know they'll probably make a bunch of pieces of this car. They'll make the displays probably. They'll probably make the camera systems for all the sensors all around the car. The LiDAR stuff. Cool. Yeah. All right. Well the other thing I wanted to shout out shout out was the Polestar 4 which will not have a back window at all. Yeah. And instead it'll just have a camera on the back and it'll project the rear view camera feed on the rear view mirror which is a screen. Yep. Is that legal? It's legal. Yeah. There are other cars that have done it. Yeah. There's other cars. There's lots of trucks that do this already. It's just kind of inconvenient. It's kind of weird. It's like this is the really really sloped back windshield for this Polestar 4. So if you see any photos or videos of the Polestar 4 if you did have that opening there it would be a pretty small rear view mirror window. So theoretically this could give you better visibility. Yeah. It says a 120 degree field of view which is way more than you normally get. Yeah. But it also feels like they didn't have
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Yeah. Evergreen. Yeah.
Speaker 1
Yeah. It looks cool actually. Yeah. It looks pretty cool. There's a verge article on someone from the verge that went and played with it for a while and they were really really positive on it. Oh. They were saying they really really liked it. I feel better about that then. Yeah. And that nighttime visibility was really good that you don't get like glare that you'd normally get. Like because it can reduce like highlights so you can actually see instead of being blinded. What throws me off about it is like if you look at some of the pictures in the back seat. Like if you sit back there it's just like an enclosed cabin. Yeah. That might be a, I'm just the more I think about this this might be a good thing. But that's weird. Like what if you're on a road trip? You can't just look back. You're like stuck. That's true. You can't look back. But have you ever been driving at night and the person behind you has the high beams on it. Just blasting the inside of your car. I hate that. That will never happen. It'll never happen. That's true. That's a great point. Because it's closed.
Speaker 2
Yeah. But wouldn't that be worse? Because it would just be blowing out your
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camera. No. The camera can can solve for that. Yeah. Can it solve, it can solve for high beams being fired? Yeah. It can like reduce highlights by a ton or it has a mode where you can switch it to just be a regular mirror. But then you just see the inside of your own car. Yeah. But it's better than seeing high beams. Yeah. Yeah.
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I'm not sold. I
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see it. We should
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get one here and try it. Yeah. I guess so. We should get one. I read a book in middle school
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called The Last Book in the Universe. It was one of those young adult post-apocalyptic novels. And a big part of the book is that cars in the post-apocalypse do not have windows and only have cameras. And so, I'm just like,
Speaker 1
Wow. Yeah. There's a couple of cars that we've tested that have the option where you can flip between a real mirror and a camera feed. Yeah.
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And that actually always works. So maybe I shouldn't be. It works pretty well. I
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tend to stick with the regular mirror. But I do appreciate a good camera feed. So I guess if I can solve for crazy headlights and stuff, I don't see why it wouldn't be a decent idea. Yeah. Yeah. I'd love to try it. I've got to try it. Yeah. All right. All right. Quick hits. Yeah. We got a couple quick hits here. So NASA is launching a NASA plus streaming service. But do not fear. It is free. Oh, which I don't think I can name all the planets. And maybe after watching NASA plus, he will be able to. Yeah. It's a free streaming services. It's going to have it's going to have documentaries. It's going to have like a bunch of just NASA videos. It's going to be awesome. And it's free, which is great. Much better than paying for another subscription service. There's other thing happened where, wait, sorry, what can you watch on NASA plus? Like documentaries about space and stuff. I thought it was going to be like live telescope feeds and stuff. They probably have
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that kind of stuff. I think you can watch live rocket launch stream. That
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seems cool. Can we fact check this? It says, Emmy winning live shows. Okay. Original series. There's also a space out series tagged under NASA and chill, which are 30 minute shows featuring incredible incredible shots of planets and space stuff all backed by chill music. I love that. You want to NASA and
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show later? So this is basically like blue planet except for space.
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planet. Space planets. Yeah. Okay. Cool.
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It's fun. Really
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Lastly, who else can do this? What other like organization or company can launch like a live stream launch?
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what other organization launch the ESA? They might have a bar of
Speaker 1
Oh, last little hit here is there was some news going around this week. Someone was reading the terms and conditions of buying a cyber truck. And it said that you could not sell it within a year of purchasing. Someone threw me for a loop. Some people were like, Oh, it's because it's going to be so bad that people are not going to want to get or going to want to get rid of it, but they can't. Some people said it was because there's going to be a lot of scalpers that are trying to flip them for higher amounts of money. And people were kind of freaking out about this in general. And then they redacted it. So that's no longer the case. The funny thing about the cyber truck is there has been so much hype for it that there will guarantee the flippers. Yeah. Guaranteed. Like if you have an early VIN, the thing that flew me through me for a loop is we have the the RIVIEN here as the truck that we use for all the work like we do with autofocus videos. Yeah. And we have a cyber truck order. So my plan was to get the cyber truck, evaluate the two side by side, shoot with it, work with both, and then decide which one's better and keep it and sell the other one. And then this article comes out that's like, if you want to sell the cyber truck within a year, Tesla will sue you for 50 grand or whatever. Yeah. And I was like, oh, well, I guess we have to keep it free here at least, which sounds terrible. But they took it back. Yeah. I always find it fascinating how car manufacturers fight against scalpers. I know. And like resellers and all that stuff. Yeah. So inevitable. Yeah. That's F-150 Lightning's get resold for 100k over just absurd markup. Yeah. So hard to get EVs. So this will be one of them. Isn't there a sports car brand that will not let you sell your car? One, even let you do stuff to your car like skin it or whatever. So there are companies that go to various extreme levels of protecting their brand when it comes to not only buying the cars, but using the cars. Ferrari is maybe the most notorious of them all. They, when you buy a car, still kind of act like they own the car. My favorite story is when Joel Deadmauce wrapped his Ferrari with like the Nian cat on the side of it, they sent him a C-Sendezist. And they were like, you can't parade this car around with a Ferrari logo. It's like that. It's like it's my car. Yeah. They're like, well, you can't do it. So it's our car, send it back, sell it, C-Sendezist. They sent him that legal paperwork. So he got rid of it and he got a Lamborghini instead and named it the Pericon and did the same rap. So I thought that was great. But Ferrari will only let you buy cars if you've already bought other certain cars. Ferrari will only let certain collectors have access to like first dibs on cars. It's crazy. They don't love people flipping cars. And this is trickled down into Porsche and to even some EV manufacturers. So it's real. Yeah. It's real. The Ford GT story is another famous one. You could not, when you bought the car, you like signed a contract that you couldn't sell it. It's crazy. I know the thing. I should want to sell it. So Tesla, you know, explored this idea a little bit, added it and then took it back. Yeah. Damn. Just crazy. Well, for quick hits with that, let's get into trivia. I have both my answers already written. So I'm just
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going to cover the other one when I read the first one. Okay. Before we do this trivia question, just want to say, when we were talking about
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alternative space streaming, orgs should have shouted out, ISRO, Indian Space Research Organization, literally put a lander on the moon this year. They did. We did not even talk about that. The tran, chandrian three mission. So
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anyway, sorry about
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that. Now back to the trivia. So dbrand has been around for quite some time. But one year before their launch, Taylor Swift released a phone skin as merch, along with her third studio album, Speak Now. What year did Speak Now come out in?
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I'm just taking a guess
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here. But I'm, I think this
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is much information. I'm trying to go with an educated guess based on the first time I ever skinned a dbrand phone, which I'm going to guess is either the first or second year that dbrand ever existed. And so I think this was like 2013. So what did
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you just give me? So I, because
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you already wrote your answer. So I wrote, I wrote 2012. Dang it. I wrote 2011.
Speaker 2
Speak Now was released. Twenty ten. 2011 was the birth of dbrand. So close. Wait, I thought
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it was when did the album come out? Yes. Yeah. One year before dbrand. So that's right for dbrand.
Speaker 4
Oh, Speak Now came out in
Speaker 1
2009. Ten. And then dbrand was right. Oh my god. Wow. So you guessed dbrand correctly. I guessed correctly, but I got the question wrong. Damn.
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to look at what you wrote is what sent me. All right. So I kind
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of got the answer right. Kind
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of fortunately, but
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not. Damn. Right. No long places.
Speaker 3
What is Andrew's Twitch handle?
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I think this is right. Is it? Is it or is
Speaker 1
it his steam username? Andy kitten 6782. Or is it
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his Twitter username? So many options. Too many usernames. We should just get one. Like, I don't know. MKBH the years like that
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social. I will, I will advance that the first time I ever met Andrew. I thought that his last name was Megan. Well, he's
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in my phone as Andrew Megan. Nice. And I
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have not changed it. Lip and read. Is it
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put Andy Megan.
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fans. The correct answer is Andrew. Megan. I do not know
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where you got. Jolly Roger. No, what is