PE reader Jessica wants to know how to deal with depression when it comes to our goals. Have you ever felt depressed when it comes to working to your goals? Perhaps because you're procrastinating, not taking as much action as you wish, and/or not seeing the results that you want?
You're not alone.
In this episode of The Personal Excellence Podcast, I share my experience of how I felt depressed for a good chunk of last year about my goals, and how I've been addressing that. I share 3 simple tips to get out of your funk and stay out of it.
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Read the transcript for this episode here.
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How To Deal With Depression When It Comes to Our Goals? [Transcript]
Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast. The show that's all about helping you be your best self and live your best life. Now, your host, Celestine Chua!
Celestine Chua: Hey everyone, welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast Episode 2, I'm Celestine Chua from
So today we have a question from Jessica, who wants to know, how do you deal with depression when it comes to your goals? I think Jessica is recording from her laptop mic so that's quite a level of background noise. But do listen closely because she has some excellent points in her question. So here we have, Jessica.
Hello Celes, my name is Jessica and my name is Puerto Rico. I've been reading PE since I was 16 and right now I'm 21, so I'm a faithful PE reader. I want to ask how to deal with depression. In what sense? I'm referring to depression in goal setting.
For example, you have these goals and you wake up every morning and you say, 'Wow, today I'm going to do this, today I'm going to do that. You know, I'm really prepared today, I'm really going to do that.'
But when it comes down to it, you realize the hours pass, the days pass, the months pass, the years pass, and nothing happens. And that can be very frustrating and eventually lead to depression. I think a lot of people can really relate to this, to this feeling of really, really wanting to do something but not being able to do it, possibly because they're procrastinating or because they feel emotionally not ready. And that's basically my question. Thank you.
Thank you so much Jessica for your question. So if I heard you right, I think you mentioned that you started reading PE when you were 16 and you're now 21? So that's been five years! That's amazing!
And I love your question. Depression when it comes to your goals. How many of you guys can relate to that?
Maybe you are feeling depressed because you feel like you're not taking as much action as you should for your goals.
Maybe you are feeling depressed because you have been procrastinating on your goals.
Or maybe you feel depressed because you feel like you should be achieving so much more than what you are seeing.
For me, I can totally relate to that. I was feeling quite depressed for quite a last chunk of last year actually, and I've been just feeling depressed because I feel like I'm not achieving as much as I should. That's because I have just so many plans for PE, for all of you.
Like I want to be writing this article. I want to be creating all those different courses. I want to upgrade the members portal. I want to create all these new video tutorials. I want to do all these interviews. But somehow or rather, I've just not been able to do them as readily as I would like.