John Ramirez is a 25-year CIA officer now retired. On October 1 of last year, he gave Dreamlanders detailed information about how to file Freedom of Information Act requests that actually work, and talked about how the intelligence community handles UFO information (or doesn’t.) Since that first appearance, he has given many interviews, so what does he have left to say?
When Whitley asks the questions, A LOT!
John begins with an amazing report on Russian efforts to draw a UFO into landing, and exactly what they accomplished in this process, and the technology that they used to do it. Then he explains how the Airborne Object Identification Management Synchronizing Group will work and whether or not it will provide new public information.
And then there follows an INCREDIBLE discussion between John and Whitley about things like UFO propulsion and what appear to be speculations not only about how they are powered but how they are controlled. Or are they “speculations” very much in quotes? Neither man says.
And if that wasn’t enough, THEN we go on into John’s own close encounter experiences.
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