What if the very fabric of American democracy is under threat from within? In this episode of After America, we explore the insidious power of othering and its devastating effects on our nation's democratic principles. We start by highlighting the rise of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation following the Supreme Court's 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision, moving through the nativist rhetoric of the Tea Party and Donald Trump. Discover how these harmful narratives have pitted Americans against each other, creating an "us versus them" mentality that marginalizes vulnerable communities and destabilizes democratic values.
We then turn to the deep-seated issue of racial othering in the United States, revealing how dog-whistle politics have been employed to perpetuate racism under the guise of patriotism. From the early treatment of Native Americans and the institution of slavery to the strategic use of racial resentment against the New Deal coalition, McCarthyism, and the post-9/11 war on terror, we paint a vivid picture of how fear and suspicion have been weaponized to erode civil liberties and divide society. This historical context sets the stage for understanding the current political landscape, where racial and political divisions are being deepened to dangerous effect.
As the 2024 election looms, we delve into the authoritarian undertones of Trump's rhetoric and actions. We scrutinize his desperate attempts to retain power, even as he faces potential legal and financial repercussions. From authoritarian measures to outright declarations of dictatorial ambitions, Trump's alarming statements are a clarion call for anyone concerned about the future of American democracy.
Guests: Drs. Ian Haney Lopez, Jennifer Hochschild, Ari Shaw, Carol Graham, Sheri Berman, & Peter Fritzsche
Infados - Kevin MacLeod
Dark Tales: Music by Rahul Bhardwaj from Pixabay
9/11 Address to the Nation: Courtesy of the George W. Bush Library
Tommy Tuberville Immigration Speech: Courtesy of CSPAN
Bush Speech on Marriage Amendment: Courtesy of CSPAN
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