What is a woman? In the last several years, this question—which once would have seemed perfectly obvious to anyone—has become both perplexing and divisive.
Feminist Kara Dansky joins Love & Life for our first “Love & Life: Let’s Talk About It!” episode. We’re committed to open conversations—even about subjects that are currently considered taboo.
Kara and I consider the following questions:
- What is gender vs. sex?
- Does “gender identity” exist?
- How should we compassionately respond to gender dysphoria?
- Are children truly more likely to commit suicide if they aren’t permitted to transition or are suicide rates higher post transitioning?
- In some cases, do men claim a trans identity in order to access women’s spaces?
- What about men in women’s sports?
- Is the trans movement homophobic?
- Does the trans movement dehumanize women?
- Is the trans movement related to transhumanism?
- What is a woman?
We invite you to join us as we tackle this momentous subject. We share our thoughts with open minds and open hearts.
Magic Mind: www.magicmind.co/lovelife
Use code LOVELIFE20 for 20% off your order
Kara Dansky
Website: https://www.karadansky.com/
Women's Declaration: https://www.womensdeclaration.com/
Twitter: @kdansky
Dr. Karin & Pastor Elliott Anderson
Website: http://loveandlifemedia.com/
Empowered Dating Playbook: smarturl.it/EmpoweredDatingBook
Instagram: @dr.karin | @pastorelliottanderson