Speaker 1
theres acouple of things that are just rock solid, and that is the bible reading in the morning, the prayer every day, a stretching. And the ones that are a little bit more difficult for me are journalling at the end of the day, using the daily reflection templatin satuday one. I've been pretty good with that one, but it's not a hundred %. And i want to figure out why that is difficult for me to do. Like, i get the notification from day one, it's time to journal, nine o'clock, a tap, it goes to the reflection templete. But for whatever reason, when i get that notification, i find myself resisting it. And i want, i want to tinkthing about why. Because i confess this is an important thing for me. So i have to, have to figure that part out. Sure. The other thing i really want to think through, i have an inversion table in my bedroom, for crying out loud, but i can't follow through and use it for a couple of minutes every day. I do my stretches no problem, which happend three feet from the inversion table. But for whatever reason, it's like, ok, i got to start my day. And i just completely skip the stretching. Ifh the inversion table, which i know impacts me, if i skip it couple of days in a row, then i do start have some neck and some some back pain. It's not major. The stretching deals with a lot of the sciatica stuff that i was experiencing every once in a while. So it just doesn't hurt enough, i guess, for itt tick. And i want to figure out how i can make that, make that a part of the morning routine.