In an intriguing twist of technological irony, the Peninsula School District in Washington State has embarked on a pioneering journey by utilizing Generative AI (Gen AI) to develop comprehensive guidelines for integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in educational settings. This innovative approach underscores the district's commitment to harnessing cutting-edge technologies to shape the future of teaching and learning.
In an interview with Education Week, Kris Hagel, the executive director for digital learning for the Peninsula district, said he highlighted the US Department of Education's 75-page documents with everything he thought was necessary. He then took all of those highlights and another couple of documents that were out at the time around generative AI in education, and he dumped them all into ChatGPT and said, "Give me a rough draft of a principles and beliefs document."
After that, he took four pieces of his writing and had ChatGPT analyze them and rewrite them in his voice and tone.
That became the first draft.
By leveraging sophisticated AI tools, the district has meticulously crafted policies that aim to ensure ethical AI usage within classrooms. Despite the apparent paradox of using AI to govern AI, the Peninsula School District's embrace of Gen AI represents a forward-thinking stance in navigating the complex intersection of technology and education.
The Peninsula School District encourages other educators to read and use their guidelines as needed.
The Peninsula School District's utilization of Gen AI in formulating its guidelines represents a paradigm shift in educational policy-making, signaling a departure from traditional methodologies toward a more tech-savvy and forward-looking approach. As the district navigates the ever-evolving landscape of AI-integrated education, it sets a precedent for other educational institutions to embrace innovation while remaining steadfast in their commitment to ethical practice and student well-being.
To learn more, listen to episode 260 of the Class Dismissed Podcast on your favorite podcast app or Apple Podcasts.
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