Speaker 1
A you could do worse for inspirationad. Just a bit, a whistle is going to blow, and the story will end 12 seconds later, which is the shortest time betty robinson ever took to run a hundred meters in competition. It will go very fast. And since we could have no idea about what filled her mind during that time, we are free to fill it as we will. We can think of her at 16, in a body just figuring out what it is capable of doing, where it is capable of bringing her, or at 25, in a body trying to figure out just how far it still might take her. We can think about what she might have been thinking, whether she was thinking at all. Was she focused on her breath, or the fall of her feet, or of merely not falling? Were there voices in her head of her coach, or her own voices of doubt or elation, that this is happening, that i am winning, i am winning, i am winning. She is 16 and this is the first time? Or she is 25 and this is the last time. And it is fine. She knows what she is capable of. She has been tested ready. Said. This episode of the memory palace was written and produced by me net domeo in july 20 21. This show gets research assistance from eliza mcgraw. The show is a proud member of radiotopia, a network of individually owned and operated pod casts carrying the flag for independent media and a landscape of corporatized venture capital funded big money thrown around triards. It is a product of x, a not for profit public meating company. If you enjoy the show, i am asking you to do the single best thing you can do to support it, and that is tell people about it. Send them your favorite episode, pick up their phone when you're at dinner or hanging out their house and subscribe them to the show. Just pick it up, say, im going to do this thing. You'll thank later, and just do it. In these times when there are so many choices and so many niches and so many bubbles, it is easy to forget sometimes that the things that we're into, you just kind of assume that theye'are a big deal in the wider world and everybody's talking about it. And i am here to attest that they are not. If you would like more people to do that, if you want more people to feel the way that you might about the memory palace, help them first know about the memory palace. Meantime, you can follow me on twitter or facebook at the memory palace. And you are always welcome to drop me a line at nate at the memory palace dot us. I will talk to you againr tx,