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Love is the worst of them
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yet's it's interesting, cause i think, in if you look at modern day social media, just as an example, there's oftentimes that question of, is love enough? Right? Is love enough to keep a relationship together's love enough to keep a marriage together? And you sort of see all the meams floating round in comments and vidios of, you know, love should be enough for relationship, or, you know, love's not enough. And i think at that debate has probably waged for quite a while. But i really appreciate the way you frame it, because in some ways, you could almost replace love and money or sex. Ah, you could. You could interchange them, you know, depending on the individual and say, i'm on marrying you for the sex. Wy, marry for love. But i think the love is the interesting one, because i think it's the thing that we believe
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almost like weare entitled to when we enter into that pact, right? And then the love becomes the the thing that blocks us from seeing the other person. If i'm understanding you correctly, you know, that we don't actually get to witness either person, or accept the other son, or understand the other person, because our point of attention, our focus, becomes so fixated on, is the love there? Or is the love not there, you know. And that becomes, i think what you're saying, intimacy in most people's world is, do i feel love, or do i not feel love? And if you are acting in a way that maybe is unsavoured me, or i disagree with, or maybe i don't like, or brings up something in me, then i don't feel love towards you or from you, and therefore the intimacy is broken. Is that roughly accurate? Or what would you alter in there?
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There's no intimacy there to begin with. It's not you i want in my life.
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love, or sex, or money, or or security, o whatever it is. So there are many perks to marriage, but you can't marry perks. You have to marry the person. So love has become an idol, literally. It is a false god in the west. Love is the solution to everything. If there's a problem, we know what it is. Not enough love. I mean, even socially, why can't we all just love each other? That is so absurd and so childish. Maybe we should stop shooting each other as a first step, then we'll talk about love. First, recognize me as a human being, and i don't need your love. So what is love actually, to say love is portant in life, that that's hollywood. That's hype. Love is not important any more than chocolate is. Everybody loves chocolate. Can't claim that it's important. What? The way it works is like this, when someone is important in your life, you ought to love them. But it's not the love that creates the importance, because that is so narciistic. When i love you, you're important. And if i stop loving you, your garbagewt kind of society is this? The whole thing is just toxic. My love makes you important. Why do we have to convince an 11 year old boy that his brother is more important than his dog? He loves his dog, he doesn't love his brother.