You know what it’s like to question why you’re here, to feel like you’re working long and hard but deep down wonder if you’re doing the right thing, to look up at the end of the day, know you were busy, but question whether you actually got anything done. We all face these problems – some of us more than others.
Lionel Strong has faced all of these challenges in a unique way throughout his career of over 20 years with the US Army Special Forces as a Green Beret. Today, he is the Command Sergeant Major within the Army – essentially the COO of the military. We discuss how he came across The ONE Thing, how he struggled to identify his purpose beyond his teams, what it looks like to prioritize things when everything feels like a top priority, and how to strike better counterbalance with your family when your job could otherwise consume so much.
Where do you have the biggest opportunity for improvement? What's The ONE Thing you can do, such that by doing it, everything else would be easier or unnecessary? If you are not yet clear on your core values, pick up our Core Values Deck. If you’re an individual struggling to prioritize in your life, check out our Jumpstart Workshop. And if you want to bring this to your team, request a consultation and we will line up a time to connect.
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit:
In this episode, you will learn...
- [03:50] Why a Special Forces officer was seeking out The ONE Thing
- [07:15] The cost of not knowing your purpose
- [11:25] How your core values can lead to clarity of purpose
- [16:28] The difference between being effective and being efficient
- [18:41] How to fail without being a failure
- [23:09] How to inspire your team
- [27:09] Ways to strike a counterbalance between work and family
- [35:30] Setting boundaries for when you’re available
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