Speaker 2
our main guess to day in the pockast ist. He's a young guy. Is my youngest guest so far. Es 22. His name's jake smith. We were talking early about jake smith. You never heard of jae ee? Haven't. So he's a here hes ant. He's a new up and come, as e would kenya. He's an up and coming runner, although saying that he's already got the third fastest half marathan time by britain ever in history. Well, so he's, he's a major talent. He i first became aware of him, i was watching the world half marathan championships, and there's i bunch of kenyons, ugandons. These days, the uganons are uppushing the kenyons. The ethiopians were there. Thestisgy julian wanders, who's a swiss guy who lives in kenya. I know ahim. And then was his young british guy like, he looked like a kid as what's he doing there? And i thought, he's gone mad. He's just like trying to run at the front. But as the race progressed, the more more people dropped off this league group, he just kept staying there. And he ended up running just over 60 minutes, dead, third fastest time by bri an ever. That's amazing. I was quite intrigued by him. Ad i went to my running club the next week down here in torbe, and they wee like, ard yo, see that guy, jake? He used to run all the races down here. Dan in e oten lad, yes, he was devin lad. And he was beating a lot of these guys when he was 15, being all the good club runners down here. And it's interesting, because you often get these phenomenal runners at 50 and 16, but for them to go on and fulfil that potential is quite rare. But here he was, just a few years later, fulfilling that potential. So he's a really interesting guy. He also has quite an interesting story. He he was pace king the chester, a marithan. So he hadn't done any marithan training. Marithans weren't on his radar at all he was just there a hard 15 mile run to pace to pace the race, and he just kept going, and he won the race. And he won the race in two 11. And apparently he didn'tk drink any water. He didn't know you had to drink water in amarithan. And this was the olympic qualifying time, and put him as the second and fastest briton of the year. So he's, he's a major tallent. And he's just beens up by the n n running team, whore are managing eli kipchoge, kenanisa bacale, joshua cheptegay, benjamin kiplimo.