Sallie McFague is on the podcast reminding us that we can indeed be in love with God and the world.
She is one of the most important living theologians and a pioneer of Christian feminist theology. Currently she is the Distinguished Theologian in Residence at the Vancouver School of Theology in British Columbia, Canada. Prior she taught for thirty years at Vanderbilt University Divinity School.
Sallie and Tripp cover a lot of ground in the episode, including how Sallie became a theologian (which includes a kindergarten revelation), her focus on religious language, radical love, kenosis, panentheism, and even some member submitted questions, including:
- How does her concept of wild spaces address privilege
- In the revival of radical theology recently, how do you understand the reality of God?
- Where should one start with feminist theology?
- What do you think about the increased usage of the term Anthropocene?
And don't forget to check out Sallie's books, Blessed Are The Consumers and Models Of God.
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