JEAN CAMPBELL is a supermodel who from the outside looks to be living a fairy tale life. Stunningly beautiful, she has modeled on the international stage for brands including Alexander McQueen, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton and Burberry. Of course, nothing is ever so simple (especially in fairy tales).
After experiencing a traumatic injury at a young age, Jean had to learn how to live with chronic pain. She underwent multiple surgeries, and confronted despair induced by the extreme physical and emotional challenges she faced.
Shadowland is our This Jungian Life forum for exploring the lives of people who exist in the hidden places of our culture. Life with chronic pain is one of those hidden places: for many it is characterized by loneliness and fear. At home and at work, people with chronic pain conditions are often asked to mask the reality of what they’re experiencing.
In this episode, Lisa and Deb explore the gulf Jean experienced between persona and shadow. In private, Jean searched for ways to cope with physical pain and suffering, whilst in public she built a successful career based on her exceptional physical beauty.
According to Jean, embracing and befriending pain has been key in her path to healing. This is explored through a discussion of A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin, in which the protagonist, Ged, must confront and befriend his shadow:
“Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life: bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky” (A Wizard of Earthsea).
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