Greg was recently on the Data Driven Strength Podcast to chat about their meta-regression on proximity to failure and hypertrophy. In the episode, Greg, Zac, and Josh discuss what we know about the mechanisms underpinning muscle growth and the weaknesses of the "effective reps" model. We think it's a conversation worth sharing, so we're re-releasing it in our feeds today as a special bonus episode.
Intro (0:00:00)
Overview of New Proximity to Failure Meta-Regression (0:07:31)
Common Misinterpretations of the Results (0:19:41)
The Resurgence of the Effective Reps Model (0:22:41)
The Desire for a Proxy Metric of Hypertrophy (0:42:41)
The Mechanistic Rationale of Effective Reps (1:20:41)
Other Factors Influencing Muscle Growth (1:52:41)
Metabolic Stress as a Mediator (2:11:41)
Is Force on the Fiber Level High at the End of a Set? (3:07:41)
Practical Applications (3:42:41)
Exploring the Dose-Response Relationship Between Estimated Resistance Training Proximity to Failure, Strength Gain, and Muscle Hypertrophy : A Series of Meta-Regressions | SportRxiv
Stimuli and sensors that initiate skeletal muscle hypertrophy following resistance exercise
Can cardio (eventually) make you bigger?
Mechanisms of mechanical overload-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy: current understanding and future directions
Different load intensity transition schemes to avoid plateau and no-response in lean body mass gain in postmenopausal women | SpringerLink
A motor unit-based model of muscle fatigue | PLOS Computational Biology
Skeletal muscle models composed of motor units: A review - ScienceDirect
Neural Drive is Greater for a High-Intensity Contraction Tha... : The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research
Effects of fatiguing, submaximal high‐ versus low‐torque isometric exercise on motor unit recruitment and firing behavior
Surface electromyographic frequency characteristics of the quadriceps differ between continuous high- and low-torque isometric knee extension to momentary failure - ScienceDirect
Different neuromuscular recruitment patterns during eccentric, concentric and isometric contractions
(PDF) Neuromuscular responses to isometric, concentric and eccentric contractions of the knee extensors at the same torque-time integral
Neuromuscular fatigue development during maximal concentric and isometric knee extensions
Improvements in skeletal muscle fiber size with resistance training are age-dependent in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PMC
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(Credit: Their intro music is by Joystock)
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