In the 197th episode of The Strength Connection Podcast, Michael will talk about 2 years since The Strength Connection started, the best definition of wisdom I’ve ever heard, from dance to pilates to yoga, wise up, the power of reading a book for the 2nd time, clean your environment, and more!
Join us in this insightful and captivating talk!
In this chapter, you will discover:
(0:40) 2 years since The Strength Connection started
(1:50) The best definition of wisdom I’ve ever heard
(2:00) Listen to the episode with Anna Clark @theannaclark
(2:50) From dance to pilates to yoga
(3:30) Aim up and level up your strength
(3:50) Dance is flow and creativity
(4:10) NeXa Studios
(4:30) Go to Use the code CONNECTION for 10% of your purchase
(5:55) The No BS Kettlebell and Bodyweight Kickstart Program by Aleks Salkin @aleks_salkin
(6:05) Tamers of the Lost Arc by Aleks Salkin @aleks_salkin
(6:20) The 2nd half of ballistic work
(7:20) “Wisdom is repeating the same lesson you need over and over till it finally sticks.” - The Strength Connection
(8:00) Wise up
(8:30) “Repetition is a huge part of mastery.” - Michael Kurkowski
(9:40) The power of reading a book for the 2nd time
(9:50) Listen to episode #189 - Michael Kurkowski: My Top 5 Short Life-Changing Books
(9:55) Mindset Matters Most by Brian Grasso
(10:40) “Success and happiness are not about learning how to be successful and happy. They're about releasing from all the reasons you're not.” - Brian Grasso
(11:40) Why doing hardstyle Kettlebell training and barbell training
(12:10) Clean your environment
(12:40) Before you add things, see what you can remove that is not serving you anymore
(13:30) Join the Strength Connection Facebook Group