Danny Rankin is a jack-of-all-trades and a master of several: he served for 6 years in US military (cryptologic farsi linguist & US Air Force Band), invented and designed one of Kickstarter’s most popular projects in 2017 (a cooperative card game called “Ravine”), and graced the stage with his (hilarious) talk at TEDx Mile High
on "the art of counterfeit design." As an instructor at the University of Colorado's ATLAS Institute (an institute for radical creativity and design innovation for both engineering and the arts), Danny has been working through the interdisciplinary pros/cons of AI and its various implications for educational institutions before it was cool.
Join us as Danny helps us understand what is even meant by "AI" right now, how it may or may not impact society as a "Novel Technology," and otherwise explore how to think well about Artificial Intelligence and the Imago Dei!
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(ARTICLE) Speculative Design and a Cone of Possibilities
(PODCAST) Synthetic Humanity: AI & What's At Stake
(VIDEO) The Art of Counterfeit Design