Movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" Commentary by David Hoffmeister - Tabula Rasa Online Retreat Movie Workshop
Linear time is a construct of the ego, and you may notice that most of your thoughts during the day relate to the past and the future. If you wonder why you're not happy all the time, it's just because you have thoughts of the past and future still hanging around in the unconscious mind that flitter and flutter up to the surface during the day. What am I going to have to eat for lunch? What will I have for dinner? Is it going to rain today? Is it going to be a sunny day? Will I be able to go out and take a walk?
Listen, all these thoughts are of the past and future. These are not Ramana Maharshi's thoughts. These are not Jesus Christ's thoughts, and these are not Paramahansa Yogananda's thoughts. These are thoughts of the ego of linear time. And yet, we have to allow Jesus and the Holy Spirit to use the symbols of time to undo the belief in linear time. Jesus and the Holy Spirit don't try to hurl you into eternity. They don't hurl you screamingly into the light. They actually come and massage your mind with beautiful movies like today. This movie is a mind massage, no doubt.
Enjoy David's humourous and deep commentary inspired by one of the strongest forgiveness movies ever made.
You can see some of the introduction to the movie on YouTube:
If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information:
Recorded on October 2, 2021, in Chapala, Mexico.