It took Rory years to figure out how to get signed by a literary agent. Years were spent learning who they were, what they did, how they operated, and finally, how to connect with one and build a relationship. Today, we’re going to fast-track that process for you. In this episode, we sit down with one of the most successful literary agents of our time, Lucinda Halpern. With a career spanning bestselling authors and major book deals, Lucinda has now crossed over to the other side as an author with her new book Get Signed: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author. Join us as we explore three key strategies for catching the attention of an A-list literary agent, gain insight into how to spot timely ideas, and Lucinda breaks down the four types of writers who land book deals. She also shares how literary agents assess platforms and set realistic expectations around advances. Don’t miss this insightful conversation, tune in now!