Speaker 1
I mean, i don't, i don't think that being amazingly clear communicator, lougis is, i don't think it. I don'tthink, i think you can build a a brand for yourself, or whoever, even if you're even if you're not that, you might be the most introverted person in the world, but you're amazingly witty, and can distil ideas down into simple concepts like viatyping. You knowiit doesn't, those two things don't have to be related. I think you don't have to, like, you know, building a personal brand ta doesn't have to mean that you're making youtube, ar ticktok, vidios about about yourself. You can do it through a blog. You can do it through a news letter. You can do it through a pido cast, a million different channels. Soyes, y no, that makes sense.
Speaker 2
Ah, you've been doing it for a while. And i was surprised when doing research day, you started a podcast in two thousand 14, which, you know, seems like, it seems like forever ago, like the stone ages of podcast a. Why
Speaker 1
think like i i, i never, i never, like, i was not that person who like, woke up and like, loved marketing ontponership so much, like, i'm going to build a personal grand for myself. It was, i was really interested in marketing, and i was working in intact for a bunch o, for like, a bunch of kind of start up type companies. And i had an outlet to basic on those channels, like twitter, for example, and and social media and pod casting. Like there were these kind of like nich communities of like this this woman who really likes sales. And so she started a blog about sales, and she grew a following about sales. Her goal was not to build a following. It was like, i have an outlet. And so i started basically sharing like what i was doing and what i was learning in my observations about marketing. And that led to, like, oh, now you kind of build like a miniot. You have a hundred followers, or ten people under ouma list, or whatever, of other marketers in a syco. Cool. This is not for everybody. And i remember, like, the first two years that i've really folks on this, like, a lot of people gave me shit, like my friends or whoever, would be like, nobody cares about your marketing stuff. Due and i'm like, this is not for you. This is because i think it's cool to connect with other other people in marketing and like talk about what we're doing. And so overtime, the more that i talked about marketing, the more marketing people kind of like, i got connected to in that, like, social and pod casting world. And i never did it till icod build my build my personal brand. But i started to see some things come from it, like, hat, do you want to participate in this event? Do you want to do this thing? And so it wasn't an intentional thing. But the that podcast, though, tekin boston, was another example of that word, like, i didn't, the goal was not builld my brand through that. It was like, i was really interested in pod casting, like it was not about me at all. It was actully bout i was really obsessed with podcassing. Listen to this wee an start up a like early on, and i loved it. I love listen to dete te i love listen hearing about all the start ups and everything. But none of the startups were from from boston. And i felt like a real local connection to boston. And so i tweed it out, like, how come nobody's on to podcast about start ups in boston? That feels like it could be its own. Nich and mi, one of my seven twirtor followers, was like, you you should do it. And sos like, ocool. And i remember like, that was just a plunge tol like, ok, cool. I'm going to figure this out. Like, i don't have any gear. I got to figure out microphones. I got to figure how to record. I got to figure u how o, how to get guests, i got to figure ot how to do all the stuff buill to web site. And a that was to learn how to do that stuff. And again, like, the benefit of that, after i did 60 episodes and met 60 different founde s and ceo and investors in boston, yhes, i did meet more people. I did build more of a brand. But it was never set out to be like this, jus, like, i'm going that my bald head is gon everywhere one day. E, that was not as not the intention at all.