Anu is a consultant to high-level organizations and their leadership teams. She's an incredible woman who has literally been a leader since the age of 6. But right now she is holding back from telling these leaders what they REALLY need to hear.
So, I have to step into leadership myself.
I need to model for her the power of saying, "Here's what I require of you..." By the end of the conversation we are both fully energized.
Sometimes being on mission is scary. But you've got this. Not everyone needs to like you. But you need to speak truth to power. That's how we change the world.
In today's episode you'll also learn about Transition Excellence—a past program for high-level leaders who want to be high-level coaches and consultants.
Love. Rich
P.S. For most of human history, it wasn’t called coaching. It was called leadership. Download an FAQ for great leaders who want to be great coaches - with a handful of high-performing, high-fee clients.