In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the transformative power of the Vision Quest and its profound impact on personal growth and discovering one's greater purpose.
With Beth Beurkens, a Vision Quest Guide and teacher of shamanism, we explore the reasons why vision questing has become increasingly popular among individuals seeking deeper meaning and connection in their lives. Beth sheds light on the current fascination with this ancient practice and how it resonates with people in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world.
Beth shares her own extraordinary journey and reveals how the vision quest became the catalyst for a profound transformation in her life, leading her towards her greater purpose. Through her personal experiences, she illustrates the power of embarking on a vision quest and the remarkable shifts it can bring about in one's perception, values, and overall life direction.
We also delve into Beth's path to becoming a Vision Quest Guide and a teacher of shamanism. She shares the pivotal moments and influences that inspired her to step into this role and guides us through the essence of shamanic teachings and practices.
Recognizing the signs that indicate a person is being called to embark on a vision quest is a crucial aspect of the conversation. Beth shares her wisdom and insights into the subtle signals that can arise in one's life, signaling a deeper longing for self-discovery and connection with the natural world.
Finally, we explore the myriad benefits that a person can receive through vision questing. Beth highlights the profound personal growth, self-awareness, spiritual connection, and clarity of purpose that can be attained through this transformative journey. Discover how embracing the call to the vision quest can propel individuals towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
Join us on this enlightening episode as we unravel the mysteries of the vision quest and learn how it can guide us into our greater purpose. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, wisdom, and connection with our incredible guest, Beth Beurkens.
Book a complimentary discovery call with Beth to explore if the Vision Quest is a fit for you: Email Beth:
Beth Beurkens, M.A. is an international best-selling author, teacher of shamanism and Vision Quest guide. As a global authority for the past 30 years, Beth has been seen on Apple+TV, Roku, Amazon TV, and Google TV. She has led high-powered Vision Quests, healing retreats, and Mastermind events in the Pacific Northwest and throughout Western Europe.
Through her revolutionary shamanic process, "Shaman Visioning"™ Beth empowers people to break through invisible barriers and embrace their Soul's Purpose. She has shared the stage with Jack Canfield, Mary Morrissey and Michael Harner. She's taught
spirituality and religion in numerous universities and colleges for over 30 years.
Beth is a Regent's Scholar, receiving both her B.A and M.A. in Philosophy from the University of California, Santa Barbara.