Speaker 2
So i loved this movie. And i loved it, i should say i loved it in comparison to the other one, morgan io. Interesting. That will become clear later, once we are able to do that. But i should back up and say that i am actually some one who really, i'm sure i said this last year, really loves the gene film. I i'm very down to watch like holmark and lifetime, and i think there's another station called up t v that shows these. Now, all o those movies, the formulaic like, right, woman comes from city, discovers business, what like that. Whole thing, i is thing that i m very here for in all its, you know, narrowness and answortof ridiculous. That's right. I thought that this version of that was actually one of the sort of smarter ones i've seen. Interesting, i thought it had, it had all the troops it needed to have, but it dealt with sort of characterization, for one thing, a lot more than i felt like it needed to. A lot more of people's background and sort of, i don't know, motivations were lucky explained. I'm speaking a little too generally, i think. I want to say that it was striking for it to just start with this christmas tree hunter using a drone a to find the christmas tree. I wasn't sure what mabe we were in for when that was the opening scene. There is a drone being flown over t the forest in main that spots this tree. Anda, that was, that was an exciting place to meet again, sore, i
Speaker 1
think i was a little less enthralled with this movie than you were, gon part because of my, you know, i have really high standards for a lesbian movie in some ways. In other ways, i'm just completely rooting for it to win. So i thought it was interesting that the stakes in this movie were so low. They were like, so you could roll over them. You know, basically, one person really wants specific tree. The other person is generally like, no, i really like having this tree. I don't want to chop it down. But the whole time theyare flirting. It's not like there's any sort of love triangle. No one's lying to any one, which i think, for some reason, lying is often a trope in a christmas movie, like someone's lying about their relationship to someone, or someone's lying to their