Speaker 3
I'm almost to tears because there's a part of me that I'm hearing you, but for so much work to do. Yeah. I'm just saying, like, just to be real, like this one exposure compared to all the rest of crap that we deal in, but it's a lot of work to do. It is. It's like, like, you see what I'm saying? Like this one is going to be dope. Yeah. But, bro, your kids still come back to this. And that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 1
What I said to see,
Speaker 2
yo, we got a church. Wow. We got to stop doing church and we got to create a community like that. But how do you, when you say there's a lot of work to do, when I go into a property car, it's a lot, bro. Right. It's a lot. And, and even like this development that we're about to do, I can't start with the light fixtures.
Speaker 3
I can't start with what color paint.
Speaker 1
I can't start with my best.
Speaker 2
I got to start with the foundation, bro. I got to start with the foundation. And once you start the foundation, everything else is that question. It stacks on top. So even with these kids, when you go back to what he's saying, you got to gut out the mindset. You got to revamp that mindset. Question. That's the first thing you got to do and how do you do it? What's the quickest way? You got to expose them in first show immersion. You got to show them.
Speaker 3
You got to shock them. And that's
Speaker 2
what exposure to do, bro. I'm telling you, when I went, I didn't look, Jamal, I didn't always say the one to be rich. I always wanted to be a millionaire. Yeah. But I still didn't even know what that really was. I got exposed to it. When I saw my boy and all these other guys and I they house it smell different. It didn't smell like fried
Speaker 3
chicken or pork chop. You
Speaker 2
know, you know what I'm saying? No, you don't smell like money. No, no, no, I just say it. Right. It was you know, we don't find fish. Yeah. Nobody fried.
Speaker 2
never fried food in my house. It just it was it was just different. And I said, man, and I and I and I and I remember I remember it. Like it was yesterday, bro. I had to come back home and and and and try to show people. I know why people weren't going to never go
Speaker 3
there. So I had
Speaker 2
to bring it back to them. And then I start bringing friends with me, man. Vince, Tommy, I start bringing my friends with me because they went, I'm like, man, y'all got to believe because I started selling crazy. Yeah.
Speaker 3
I'm coming back to work. We
Speaker 1
got to talking wealth in a poverty language. Like you're talking to people who speak poverty and you talking wealth. So what he doing is the same thing I did years ago, right? You're bringing the people to the exposure.
Speaker 2
Because when you come back and try to tell them about it, they they can't even understand
Speaker 1
what I'm saying. We can't but I told see. So what we got to do is create traditions.
Speaker 2
There it is. I was like, yo see, we can't hear it. Just whatever it's like every year we do this,
Speaker 1
every August we do this, every Christmas we do this. It's like, bro, my boy, my son's roommate in college, you know, and I always told book like again, it's that thing we talked about on last podcast. It's that it's like, bug, I get it. But it's almost like, bro, even in our community, it's so crazy. You got it's got you got to be one type of black. You feel me? It's like you look at Fresh Prince. I just told people I tell like I never watched Fresh Prince, bro. Like I wouldn't own that. It was nothing about Fresh Prince that I saw that I was like, oh, this is dope. I just didn't Martin. Yeah. I watched Martin, bro. I just felt like
Speaker 2
Martin was. Come on, man. Fresh Prince though, we're not. I'm just saying,
Speaker 1
I'm a Martin to know. I'm not saying it was one of the best shows because we'll ain't no joke. So we was mine. The even the fact that he thought to do that is dope because he started exposing our kids to wealth to wealth. Yeah. So so Beverly, that was well. Like he was genius, but I'm saying I was programmed to enjoy Martin. I wasn't I wasn't on. I saw Carlton. Then I wasn't like, I'm just being right. I didn't want to understand it. The only thing I liked was the relationship between Uncle Phil and Will. Like that's what I liked. His cousins or whatever. I didn't really get into. I didn't really get into it. Like I'm a big bro. I might have saw three episodes. I saw all Martin, right? To this day. You only saw three episodes, bro. That's why he can't appreciate it the same way. I saw three episodes, bro. I was like, and those are the ones I saw when they would show like the best of, you know, gotcha, the whatever, but I
Speaker 2
say, where's first friends? Yeah.
Speaker 1
Yeah. Oh, OK. So I say that to say, but those traditions, you can even see in their family. They had those. So I realized in other communities,
Speaker 2
there were traditions. That's like, OK, you all
Speaker 1
know I grew up, you know, of course, in the diva, my parents moved to Southfield and we lived on 12 miles loss. And that was a there was this is before I even really knew, you know, the Bible like that before I really became, you know, deep into, you know, Adventism going to Oakwood. But our community was a Jewish community. So on Friday night, bro, crazy, bro, shut it down. You got to see it, mall. You like you in the, I'm living in the neighborhood. It's a Jewish community Friday night, bro. You hear you hear you hear the horn, bro. You see them all come out with a garabon and they all walk into the synagogue, bro, crazy, bro, crazy Saturday. You see them walking to the synagogue. Saturday night, you see the sun coming down. This year all in that brought you a synagogue in the neighborhood, bro. I'm from the D, bro. We got these little crazy little storefront churches. They, they, synagogues was massive and they built everything around it. You know, you got your storage, the bagels, I didn't want to eat bagels, but I went to school, bagels. And I saw it. And then that's when I got turned on to, you know, all the rituals that went with it. You know, I'm saying, like all of the, you know, the Passover and and they have been doing this for thousands of years, bro. I got a good friend. I don't know if you remember Michael Engler from New York. Mall, listen to me. I'm not playing mall. His father is like one of the big, has one of the big hedge funds, whatever. It's so, so he called me once and was like, yeah, I just got back from Israel. I was like, oh, for real. He's like, yeah, I went to go see my uncle, went to his grave. And I was like, okay, your uncle just passed. He was like, no, no, he's been dead for a while. I was like, oh, okay, what's your uncle name? He's like Abraham.
Speaker 2
I was like, huh? Like, like, I said,
Speaker 1
Abraham, like Abraham in the Bible. He was like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Once we call him, but he was saying, bro, he was talking like Abraham.
Speaker 1
He was like, yeah, we went to go to a temple and he was breaking the door. He's like, yeah. So if you come from, um, give me the names again, girl, I don't want to mess up. Ischmael or if you come from, you go to a different. So is my L. Why is
Speaker 2
that girl for hell with the Bible, right? I know a little. I knew that. I'm sorry.
Speaker 3
He just knows. I've been in that environment just a little long. That's
Speaker 2
all. That's all. That's all. That's all. Y'all better than him. You notice how they ask you to open up a play like a rap song?
Speaker 3
Yeah. Yeah. Who's this? You remember that?
Speaker 2
I'm Carl Hill. Be honest. The name of the exactly. Don't lose your thought, but I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm,
Speaker 3
I'm, I'm, I'm. For all my media people, everybody's familiar with being each photo, huge, you know, media store. Yeah, bro. Jewish owned. Yeah. You can't order on seven. You can't order, bro. That's great. Shut it down. So I'm going back to what you're thinking again. I literally started overeating the Bible. First couple of books of the Bible and they talk about E. What you're saying is it's, it's deep, but it's deeper because like that was God's design. Yeah. The all, but there were seven festivals that he told the Israelites. When I bring y'all out of Egypt, y'all can keep the Sabbath, the festival of weeks, the festival of shelters, the Passover, but seven of them. That's why my man in 2020, whatever talking to you, could tell you all about
Speaker 1
that. And that's how they're still doing it. Today, one reason why I realized we got to do it is because when you lose the chiefs, if you don't have it, you lose. They lose the whole culture. Everything. So we have to have like, they got to know Disney. So this is what I was going to say. Wow. So, so, so Jaylen's roommate, you know, his father's a part owner of the Milwaukee Bucks and own some kind of like, I don't know, steel mill, whatever, like some type of industry, his father passes down to him. So every year, he would give, he gives his sons like thousands and thousands of dollars to donate to whatever cause they want to do. So, so more. So for me, like I'm learning these traditions. So I'm like, okay, Jaylen and Jada, y'all need to pick, you know, and don't be biased. Like don't do your home girl because it's your home girl or your home boy. Like really thinking through. So I'm like, yo, I see what he's doing. It's a tradition. It's like, here go. Thousands of dollars go find a cause so that when the father leaves this earth, his son still know it's not just about y'all. A portion of our money has to go back. And so I'm like, book all this time. This is who you should have been with. And they bought, they cool because they whatever, but he's, he's white, right? So they cool, but Jay, I felt like always felt like he got to be, you know, like Marty Mar and it's like you the Fresh Prince of Bel Air period. I'm saying like it is what it is. You could try to Marty Mar all you want to. And I know why you want to do it because when you Marty Mar, there's an acceptance you get from. When you when you fresh Prince, we'll one going back. Remember when we'll go back? They was like, they spun him around. They like get your butt apart here. Like
Speaker 2
you ain't even. He saw, you saw the intro though for sure. Yeah.
Speaker 1
But I'm just saying, so for the church, I told see, you know, we got to create these traditions. We got to explain why we doing what we doing. And they got to know when we when you get up in the morning, you know, or late at night, we get to go to some parks because we on campus and we get to go start thinking. What a novel concept. Early in everybody. You got to wait too long. Absolutely. Yeah. Yep.
Speaker 2
Soon as y'all get back from the park, we're going to have a good time. I can't do the. But he's going with that. He's why he can't do it because he been there about four times. Right. Literally. This year. This year.
Speaker 1
This year. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So. Yeah. But no, but yeah,
Speaker 2
what a novel concept having the church be looked at at some place. The kids actually want to go. Want to go. No, I'm just saying like, bruh, how long has it been since like kids was like geeked up about? And not just like a trip, but just like church being dope. You know what I'm saying? Like in the sun, some of y'all out there may got some double church that the kids won't go to. But when I came up, it was like, we got a church like, oh my god. You know what I mean? Like church should be somewhere with these kids. You know, so, you know, shout out to Ethan changing the culture around that. Cause. Yeah.
Speaker 1
I'm just saying, man, just being around, you know, the collective. It's like, we can change this. Like I believe in my heart. So that's why I'm trying to tell everybody that's in our community that's doing well. Don't try to make it about like, it's okay to have stuff, but don't create a golden calf out of the stuff and have people worship in the Moses is like, what are y'all doing? Like God created the goal and the calf and y'all sitting here worshiping something that he created instead of worshiping the person that created the thing itself. Like it don't even make sense. It's not, I was up there. I didn't came down. I've been in God's presence. Y'all sitting here worshiping something that's like, you making it up. It's not even real where we got something real.