Vacations are essential for active rejuvenation. But for a lot of us vacations aren’t all that restful—and coming back from vacation is a nightmare. We don’t start off with a great plan. And then, because we don’t tie up loose ends before we go, we end up working during our vacations. So we never clear our heads from work.
In this episode, Michael speaks with Full Focus Director of Marking and expert vacationer, Marissa Hyatt. They discuss five missing features of your vacation plan. These ideas are so simple and important that they can be the difference between a "vacation" in name only and an actual vacation that leaves you refreshed.
In this episode, you will learn:
- How important it is to have a vision for your vacation (especially if you're vacationing with someone else)
- How to prepare to leave your work desk so you can rest your mind while you're away
- How to align your team so they can still be productive in your absence
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