Over the years, there have been many mixed messages from drinking to thirst to avoiding dehydration at all costs through to making sure we are not too over hydrated and risking the ill effects of Hyponatremia. So how do we make sense of hydration science? That is our focus for this expert edition with Andy Blow sports scientist and founder of Precision Hydration.
Andy blow is the founder of Precision Hydration, a sports scientist who has co authored a number of scientific studies and books and he's worked at the elite level of performance throughout his career, including enjoying the role as team sport scientist for the Benetton and Renault Formula One racing teams and ongoing work with the Porsche Human Performance Centre. In addition, Andy himself is an accomplished triathlete having won an XTERRA World Title and boasting numerous top 10 Iron Man and 70.3 finishes to his former triathlon racing resume. Here is my conversation on all things hydration science with Andy blow.
Andy explores the history around hydration for performance. Drinking to thirst versus drinking to a schedule, what to do before we exercise, special considerations for hot environmental conditions, hydration needs relating to the length of an event sub 60 minutes right up to nine to 10 hours plus and the importance of understanding our own sweat rate and sweat concentration in trying to best look after our own hydration needs and therefore performance.
Show Sponsor: Dr Shona Halson Livestream
We are excited to put the spotlight on the Science of Recovery with this upcoming Livestream event on 24th October 2020 with Dr Shona Halson.
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