Brandon Amalani has been involved in the wellness industry for 20 years with a focus on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbalism. He is the founder and owner of Shen Blossom and Blushield Global USA. Brandon is dedicated to helping people elevate their conscious awareness and health utilizing time honored and modern methods and tools.
In this episode, you'll discover:
-Brandon's journey into EMF mitigation and scalar technology...05:30
-Details on the technology used to test the impact of EMF...09:10
-EMF stands for electromagnetic field (or frequencies) and it is worth learning about for your health and well being...11:00
-Dr. Wiles recommendation for a basic primer on EMF...12:20
-The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology by Nicholas Pineault
-On a physical level, our bodies are essentially electromagnetic field water machines...13:00 is a resource with many scientific studies regarding EMF...16:30
-An explanation of non-native EMF vs. native EMF...17:00
-EMF: the chronic stress you didn't know you were dealing with...21:10
-Mitochondrial and cellular damage from EMF...24:30
-The $30 million FDA toxicology study...27:10
-Dr. Deborah Davis is a leading advocate to draw attention to the dangers of EMF...30:00
-Dr. Wiles keeps a Blushield in his pocket and wears Lambs boxer briefs that block EMF...33:00
-Brandon's expert opinion on defender cases and other devices that are marketed to block EMF...33:50
-Brandon's article "Can we actually block EMF?"
-Brandon's elevator pitch about scalar energy...43:20
-How scalar energy helps protect you from EMF; it's like tuning the dial to the station you want...47:50
-Brandon explains the flashing light on the Blushield device...50:20
-The Cube is the top recommended product; find out why...54:00
-Your physiology becomes stronger and more adaptive as you are exposed to the Blushield technology...57:10
-Dr. Wiles personal experience with Blushield...1:03:20
-Improved sleep and sleep patterns resulting from the Cube...1:06:40
-New studies on animals that shows great promise for this technology...1:08:20
-Urinalysis study on humans shows decreased stress...1:12:05
-Brandon's company has sold products all over the world and has a less than 1% return rate...1:17:00
-Blushield is powerful enough for 5G because the body will always move towards what is beneficial and away from what is harmful...1:18:25
-The planet has never experienced this level of radiation and we will have to see what the impact is overall...1:21:10
-The Blushield website has a chart that clearly defines the specifications of each product...1:22:55
Resources mentioned: (Coupon code DOCWILES)
Guest's social media handles:
Blushield Global USA Instagram