Speaker 1
That's for diy. So i gat at his tanps in secret, you know, that i worked for apple. And then my channel got er and bigger, and they're concerned, like, to their point is like, there's nothing beneficial, that there's no upside to them by having me be an apple employee in having a large folowy. It's only downside, because if i now have a platform to talk about them, like, they don't need me to get their story out, right? So eventually, there was, i get a call one day, rworking for apples for four years, and it's a reporter from variety, i think, or something. And it's like, can you comment on your work you do for apple? And i'm like, a, what are you talking about? And as i'm talking to him, i get a call from apple h r, like, pinging in on this and a so i'd go over in there, like, hay, luk, someone's going to leak the story that you work for us. Just beounow. Don't say anything, you know, just keep it very surface level. So anyways, i did. It endd up being this big story that leaked. And all my co workers like, gave me a hard not over teasing me. But after that, it was like, not a big deal. And i still worked for them, r, like another year, and they loved me working for them, and i loved working for them. The reason to leak though, gettingtote everything. And this is the answer o your question, what did i do at apple? I was lead author on a patent, and i thiscause it's like, the public domain, about m using virtua reality in self driving cars. And like watar, all the implications of that, you knowan the main one being, again, ecause this is listed to the patent, like, forty % of people folk who suffer from motion sickness. And wouldn't it be interesting if you could use virtual reality to solve that? Because motion sickness is woudn't like, basically your your internal gyro doesn't match up with what your eye is seeing. So that's why, f you're like in the back seat, you can't see forward, you get motion sicka. You don't know what's happening. And so if you could really know xactly what the car is going to do, and where it's going to turn and how it's turning, and show that to you in virtual reality a, then you could potentially not get motion sick. Because, well, when autonomous cars eventually come, we'll have all this free time. But if you get motion sick, there's nothing you can do with it. So the idea trap on a vertal reality. By the way, imagine vertualities like stung glasses, not these big, bulky things now, but it's like the very light weiht thing you put on your head in the future. Um, and then. And now you can work on your laptop, because essentially the screen is like, way over on the horizon. It would show you a fake orizon, and the screen would beik, in the sky, basically. And so if, you know, no one gets motion sicnes looking away over a the horizon. So now, allo, a suden, you can look down and see a virtual key boar neu typing, or you could watch a movie. Ah. But then there's also tons of other implications that are listed in the patent of like, does that mean for a entertainment? Because, like, a car, in some ways, is the best version of a motion simulator. Because, you know, if you go on startors or motion simulator, they have to stimulate gravity by tilting your seat back, and then your brains, like, i'm not feeling like pressure on my butt as much. Something just feels off when you're supposedly accelerating. But in a car, youou still keep your gs pointing down, and you actually can accelerate and break and turn and impart these gs to you in a way that could be pretty entertaining or relaxing or engaging, depending on what kind of verilla you feed into, or thrilling into the vr, so, um, a, there's a lot theread. I will say, again, because this is public record, apple has continued to make up dates to that patent. And it, it feels like, for my perspective there, it's an interesting one them. So ad it as really exciting to be and that came about because apples, like, one of my managers at apple was like, hadod, you're coming up with all these banger ideas on youtube, like, come up with a banger idea for us. And i started like thinking about it, andhe like, i was in a veeding and i was just, like, i started shaking cause i'm like, oh, my gosh, this would be so crazy. And so then, like, i started coming over with all these versions of it. And to their credit management, its very supportive there. When you have ideas. They let, they let you run with stuff. And they have the funds to invest in it. So they were very supportive of letting me just go crazy with this idea. And, em yeit is really fun, cool experience be able to do that, because