The growing popularity of cryptocurrency has built interest in decentralized banking. More people are shifting towards decentralization. The opportunities available in the metaverse is attracting a wide audience. However, the space lacks a large women population. Brooke Lacey and Wendy O are on a mission to change that. Both ladies attended the Women.NFT event in LA where this conversation was recorded. Brooke teaches women to learn code and encourages them to learn about Web3. YouTube influence Wendy O uses her platform to educate people about crypto and NFTs. Listen to this episode to learn more about the state of decentralization and the opportunities for women in the space.
Brook Lacey is an advocate for Web3 and crypto educator for financial freedom.
As a YouTuber and social media Influencer, Wendy O educates and empowers women to start their journey in NFTs and bitcoin.
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HOST - Ashley Smith
Music by: Spottie WiFi
Presented by: Fame Lady Squad...