My long-time client who has seen all of my trainings said she thinks this one was her absolute favorite EVER! I'd love to hear what you think. Today, I talked about what it takes to ACTUALLY reach money goals. Tune into the full replay to hear…
- Why the way you relate to your money goal MATTERS!
- How to use money goals FOR YOU rather than against you.
- And we talked about the reverse-engineering process that allows us to create the money we set out to.
Ready to take your business and money goals to the next level? The Soulful Six Figure Mastermind is THE money, manifestation and mindset mastermind for coaches and entrepreneurs who are ready to scale their business with more joy and alignment. Click HERE to learn more and apply today, applications close May 15th!
Register HERE for the Money Masterclass Series, a 3-day event to help you transform your money mindset, feel more aligned with your business, and break through upper income limits.