Each week, the leading journalists in legal tech choose their top stories of the week to discuss with our other panelists.
This week's topics:
00:00 - Introductions
05:26 - In a Gen AI First, 273 Ventures Introduces KL3M, a Built-From-Scratch Legal LLM (Selected by Stephanie Wilkins)
18:16 - Judges To Generative AI: You're Out Of Order! (Selected by Niki Black)
34:30 - Neil Gorsuch Confidently Declares That He Did The Research (He Did Not Do The Research) (Selected by Joe Patrice)
43:28 - Europe wields new tech law to protect EU election (Selected by Victor Li)
46:30 - 2 stories illustrate why law firms change so little and slowly: short term profits and back stabbing partners (Selected by Stephen Embry)
54:26 - In Los Angeles, Bet Tzedek’s New Online Legal Clinic Helps Pro Se People with Conservatorships (Selected by Bob Ambrogi)